My Story

Born an only child into a small town in Germany, I grew up surrounded by art and music, my parents’ cultured elegance, and love. Early on, deep down, I felt a strong sense of adventure. The world was for exploring, and my hometown grew too small. I longed to learn about other cultures, speak foreign languages and be a curious traveler. I went out into the world – first to Paris to study all that is French, then to Los Angeles through my career with Porsche. Los Angeles has been my home for many years and given me inspiration with its cultural and architectural diversity and natural beauty.

  • I raised a family near the beach. My boys grew up and left the nest. Then life took an unexpected turn. In response, I looked deeply inward. My self-reflective time opened me up to perceiving my environment with an intensity never known before. I had never been interested in photography as artistic expression, but in this renaissance I started to observe my surroundings with greater attention. I felt compelled to capture what I saw. At first, I photographed to have proof and a permanent print, but then it became a creative passion to share my discoveries with others.

    Whether I am traveling around the world or recharging at home in Los Angeles, my iPhone is always ready to shoot what I see and HOW I see it in that very instant. My EYE-phone is my chosen vehicle to frame that moment, that view, that detail.

    My photographs are mostly spontaneous and unaltered. Looking, seeing, discovering and then capturing through the lens allows me to pause and linger. It gives my life a colorfulness it did not have before. It has taught me about myself, and honed my ability to perceive, both through observation and intuition. It has inspired me to write and add another layer to my photographs. It has broadened my ability to communicate. While I speak several languages, for me photography is a universal, silent language, an additional way to express emotions, views and experiences immediately.

    The stories that frame each picture are important and endearing to me. They are the little moments of my life around the world. When you view those images, I hope you can feel present inside them and imagine! My sincere wish is to draw you into the story and move you in your heart.

Photos by Mark Hanauer