My Bali Journey
Looking Within
All my life, I have been very visual and creative, but I was never attracted to photography. In 2012, I experienced a drastic life change and decided to go to a faraway land for a 6-month sabbatical. I went to the spiritual island of Bali, leaving a lifestyle of privilege behind and craving simplicity, meditation, introspection, and self-nurture. This was to be the bridge between my old life and the new one I was to create. I was curious to see who I had become after 25 years of being a career woman, wife and mother, community leader, dog owner, and friend to many.
In Bali, I sat in rice fields meditating. I journaled, did daily yoga, and explored who I had become at age 52. I had arrived with a tiny bag and my iPhone. It was my only means of communication but also of keeping a record of all that I was experiencing. I started to take photographs simply to create a record of this life-changing experience, to make the impermanence of this moment permanent. In the process, I realized how looking through a little lens made me see the world in different ways. I perceived my environment with more precision and intensity. I started looking up and finding a whole world up there previously unnoticed. And I never looked back. When I returned and showed my pictures to my friends, they expressed that my photos conveyed a scent, a vibration, sounds, and even the experience of being there. My passion for photography was born in an accidental way, and I am to this day taking pictures almost daily. I love the convenience of my iPhone that is always with me. I don’t photoshop. Like my hair, I like things natural. I often only take one shot.
I hope my photography allows people to travel to places they can’t go to or to see things they would otherwise not see. I wish to touch my viewers in their hearts and to inspire them to look at the world with wide-open eyes and hearts.